More Frequent Updates

We've been using this blog less and our facebook group more often, for random updates and events. So, if you wanna know what we're doing right now, go here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catching up...

This is a new online source of information about Columbus Anarchist Black Cross. We've been working on prisoner solidarity and abolition here in Columbus, OH for about 6 months. Activities during that time have included monthly letter writing gatherings, biweekly book-packing with Red Bird Books to Prisoners, fundraisers for The Asheville 11 and the Toronto G20 defendants , and workshops on Grand Juries, Security Culture, and Conspiracy Charges.

We're committed to raising awareness of and lending support to anyone facing political repression in North America, and working towards supporting the general prison population here in Ohio. Come to our events, or contact us if you'd like to get involved. We're always looking for more abolitionists!