More Frequent Updates

We've been using this blog less and our facebook group more often, for random updates and events. So, if you wanna know what we're doing right now, go here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

December Solidarity Showcase

Hey! It's another variety show fundraiser! This time we're raising money for the Mount Hope Infinity.

Saturday, December 18th, 8PM at Kafe Kerouac (2250 North High Street). Special guest speakers, Andy Mykall and Gus Strange will be here representing the Mount Hope defendants!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

FOIA Request Workshop

On Nov 10th, we held a workshop on how to file Freedom of Information Act requests. Here's the information from the handout we created for the workshop.


The Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) mandates that people have a right to information that the federal government has collected or stored. Federal agencies are subject to FOIA, while Congress and the courts are not. FOIA requests are used to get copies of information held by executive agencies, like any of the various departments (Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Energy, etc.) and agencies (the Environmental Protection Agency, for example) that do the work of the executive branch of the federal government. There are several exemptions to FOIA requests – classified


This is a list of some instances where the government has tried (often successfully) to gain convictions, disrupt organizations, and persecute people through the use of conspiracy charges and other dirty tricks.


Security Culture Puppet Show.

Here's the script for the puppet show we performed at our workshop back on September 28th. It's a light and entertaining introduction to the basics of security culture, with lots of stupid sock-based puns.

If you like it, feel free to make your own performance of it!

SECURITY CULTURE: An Interactive Sock Puppet Farce